Junk Silver Calculators

The Big Calculator

Use the following calculator to determine the silver value in various amounts and combinations of 90% junk silver coins and war nickels. Often sellers on eBay will have lots with different combinations of junk silver. I made this calculator so I can easily determine the value of the lots. You can also use this calculator to determine the total value of all your junk silver.

The silver prices on this website are gathered from quandl.com on 2023-12-29 (YYYY-MM-DD).

Spot Price $:
Of Coins
Silver Value Silver Weight
(troy oz)
Face Value
Half Dollars:
Markup %: Add dealer markup
Additional $: Add shipping, tax, etc.

Calculator Instructions

To calculate the value of silver in a coin, multiply the silver weight in troy ounces (not the coin weight) by the silver spot price. For example, A junk silver quarter has a silver content of 0.1808 troy oz. If the silver spot price is $10/troy oz then the quarter's value is $10 * 0.1808 = $1.81. This calculator will factor in 1% loss of silver due to wear from circulation (which is common in junk silver coins). The seller will often add a markup.

What is the silver value in $___ face value of 90% junk silver?

Junk silver is usually sold by the face value of the coins. Use this calculator to determine the silver value of 90% junk silver coins when you know the face value of the coins. This calculator does not work for silver dollars or war nickels.

The spot price is / was $:

The total face value of the junk silver is: $

The silver value is:

Silver Value = Spot Price * (Face Value * 0.715)

What is the silver value in ___ troy ounces of 90% junk silver?

Sometimes junk silver is sold by the total weight of the coins (not the weight of the silver content) in troy ounces. Use this calculator to determine the silver value of 90% junk silver coins when you only know the total weight of the coins.

The spot price is / was $:

The total weight of the junk silver is:troy ounces.

The silver value is:

Silver Value = Spot Price * (Weight * 0.9)

What is the silver value in ___ standard ounces of 90% junk silver?

Sometimes sellers (usually on eBay) will offer an auction of junk silver sold by the total weight of the coins in standard ounces or pounds. (1 pound = 16 ounces)

The spot price is / was $:

The total weight of the junk silver is:in standard ounces.

The silver value is:

Silver Value = Spot Price * ((Weight * 0.9115) * 0.9)

How much premium did I pay for $___ face value of junk silver?

Enter the junk silver face value of your coins and how much you paid to calculate the premium.

The spot price is / was $:

The face value of junk silver you purchased: $

The amount you paid $:

The premium you paid:

Premium = Amount Paid / (Spot Price * (Face Value * 0.715))

How much premium did I pay for ___ troy ounces of silver?

Enter the silver weight (for junk silver, you may need to use one of the previous calculators to determine the silver weight) and how much you paid to calculate the premium.

The spot price is / was $:

The weight of silver you purchased:troy ounces.

The amount you paid $:

The premium you paid:

Premium = ((Amount Paid / Silver Weight) - Spot Price)

Calculation Notes

Notes concerning face value and weights of 90% junk silver (does not apply to war nickels, 40% halves or dollars):
